Vocation team in Lumimba, Zambia

Francis KangwaA vocation team from Directors of various congregations of diocesan and missionary groups visited Lumimba in June 2013. They met students in Lumimba Day Secondary school. It was a great opportunity to see each congregation touching the lives of our youth. Following its presentation, the vocation team encounter with some interested students. The team left after lunch. We were particularly happy to welcome Fr Francis Kangwa, our Vocation Director. In one of the attached photos you can see Francis with some of the students interested in joining us. Please Francis! Come back again. Our mission is to touch all the corners of the earth so that people may experience life, life in its fullness; Jn 10:10.

United in the same mission and vocation

Phelim Malumo, M.Afr

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Lumimba Pastoral Team 2013

Lumimba Pastoral Team 2013

From Left to Right:
1. Abusa Zimba-Catechist-(Mwanya outstation),
2. Fr Phelim Malumo (Assistant Priest-Ministry),
3. Abusa Mpande-Catechist (Chasera outstation)
4. Br Jonas Mensah (Stagiere-1st Year)
5. Fr Pawel Mazurek (Parish Priest)
6. Fr Frederic Ajaruva Bedijo (Curate & Community Animator).
1. Abusa Gondwe (Catechist Lumimba outstation)
2. Abusa Zimba (Chiweza Outstation).


Pastoral visit to Kataba-Dumbe Communities – Lumimba Parish

Phelim Malumo in Lumimba 02By Phelim Malumo M.Afr
For the first time this year, because of less rain than usual, we managed to visit the three major zones of our parish for Easter celebrations. Together with Father Bwezani, I succeeded to reach Lundazi, about 120 km from Luminba, then went through Lukusuzi National Park before crossing the Mwanya River where crocodiles and beasts are common. We covered about 600 km. We slept in a small grass thatched house for 10 days. We were completely cut off but happy to be with the people.
As shown on the pictures below, I went to Kataba-Dumbe community at about 8 km from our house. We had to cross the Lumimba River by motorbikes. On that day, a Lay Missionary named Joe Venegas, linked to the Comboni Missionaries, wanted to see with his own eyes the famous valley life. He was on his way back home to the USA for holidays. I took him to visit the sick, pray for various needs, chat with people and ride along the rough terrain. He hopes to come back and help if possible. In the valley, Lay Missionaries would be very useful.
What an experience! Living here, you really see the difference compare with a town setup. Indeed one has to be happy to work in places like this. It is very demanding and yet prophetic and fulfilling. Truly, one has to be zealous like our founder Cardinal Lavigerie. This is an experience I have come to cherish. I have made friends in taking part of their lives. Hopefully, I have left a positive mark on them too. I have learnt a lot from the confreres and the people around. They have become part of my life journey. Unforgettable indeed! This experience will surely carry me along in my next mission ahead; called to become a man of hope.
Welcome to Lumimba!
Greetings to the confreres  Phelim Malumo M.Afr

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