Father Raphael Gasimba, M.Afr, new Parish Priest for Dombe, Mozambique.


By Dimitri Yampa, stagiaire.

The Provincial of SAP, Felix Phiri, and our Provincial Delegate, Boris Yabré, were in Dombe on the 22nd January 2017, to witness the appointment of Raphael Gasimba as Parish Priest in replacement of Jean de Dieu Bukuru who has been appointed as Treasurer Delegate in Beira. Bishop Francis Don Silota of Chimoio presided the Eucharistic celebration and Boris Yabré read the letter of appointment in front of the parishioners. Symbolically, Jean de Dieu handed over his charges as Parish Priest to Raphael by removing his chasuble with the help of the Provincial. Then, they dressed up together Raphael who took over the liturgy. The Missionaries of Africa asked Our Lady of Africa to intercede for him and to protect him during his ministry by singing the “Sancta Maria”. The Provincial encouraged him in his new charge and congratulated both confreres for their service and their dedication to the mission in Dombe. “May the Good Shepherd help you and guide you in this mission,” he concluded.

Birthday celebration for Raphael Gasimba, M.Afr, in Mozambique

raphael-gasimba-anniversary-2016-04By Dimitri Yampa, stagiaire in Dombe Parish

The 29th September was really a symbolic day for our community in Dombe. We are lucky to have an archangel with us, meaning Padre Raphael Gasimba who was celebrating his 58th birthday anniversary and his patron feast. The whole community was very happy. The celebration was held in the evening when we welcomed our Brothers and Sisters of the “Obra the Maria”, “Fazenda da Esperança”, little Sisters of Mary Immaculate and two other Brothers from Zimbabwe who wish to join the Missionaries of Africa. Everyone was involved in the preparation of the evening party; songs, cake, one (but only one!) bottle of champagne. Wonderful time to celebrate life joyfully. May the intercession of the archangels Raphael, Miguel and Gabriel bring many more fruitful missionary years to Father Gasimba.

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Jubilees of confreres who were or still are in SAP – 2015

Oswald Payant 100 years 0275 years of Oath

1940-06-22 Fr. Payant Oswald, Canada/Sherbrooke – was in Mansa

65 years of Oath

1950-06-27 Fr. Bédard Gaétan Canada/Montréal – was in Kasama.

1950-06-27 Fr. Fitzgerald Patrick, Great Britain/London – was in Lusaka.

1950-06-27 Fr. Genest Pierre, Canada/Montréal – was in Dedza Diocese, Malawi.

1950-06-27 Fr. Piette Luc, Canada/Montréal – was in South Africa.

1950-06-27 Fr. Poisson Bernard, France/Billère – was in Kasama.

50 years of Oath

1965-01-28 Fr. Amyot d’Inville Jacques, France/Paris, Friant – was in Mansa and South Africa.

1965-02-01 Fr. Gouiller Jean-Luc, France/SAP/Zmb/Kalongwezi – is still in Zambia, Chipata.

1965-02-01 Fr. Hoffmann Felix, Germany/Trier – was in Mbalaé

1965-06-28 Fr. Tillmann Ferdinand, Germany/EAP/Uga/Ggaba.

1965-06-29 Fr. Richard François, France/MG/Roma – was in Zambia, FENZA.

25 years of Oath

1990-12-07 Fr. Bomansaan Francis, Ghana/SAP/Zmb – is in Kasama.

1990-12-07 Fr. Gasimba Raphaël, DR Congo/EPO/Jérusalem – was in South Africa.

Julain_Kasiya_21990-12-07 Fr. Kasiya Julian, Malawi/SAP/Mwi/Mua – is moving to Mozambique.

1990-12-07 Fr. Mapunda Baptiste,Tanzania/Ghana/Wa – was in Zambia.

1990-12-07 Fr. Mumbi Patrick Zambia/SAP/Lusaka, FENZA

1990-12-07 Fr. Wernke Bernhard, Germany/SAP/Moz/Dombe.

1990-12-15 Fr. Apee Dominic, Ghana/Tamale – was in Zambia.