Death of the mother of Belete Fanta Lemma – Ethiopia

Belete_Fanta_LemmaToday at 17 hours, from Ethiopia, Bonaventure Mashata sent us a message telling us that the mother of Father Belete Fanta Lemma has passed away 45 days after the death of his father. This is sad news indeed!

We can imagine how difficult it might be for our beloved friend Belete. Let us pray for him, for his mother and father and the entire family.

Updates, 31st August 2013

Dear confreres,

Indeed I have lost both parents in a very short period of time. I have nothing to say but to accept the reality of life and thank God for the gift of my parents. They were everything for me but now I have nothing except Jesus Christ. My father died at the end of June on the 29th at the age of 96. My mother died on the 16th of August at the age of 84 after being sick for only two days. During the funeral of my father, her beloved husband, she was praying to God to be reunited with her husband. Her prayer was fulfilled after fifty days. They were married for 68 years. I am sure that now she is happy with her husband and with the Lord.

Dear Confreres, thank you very much for your encouragement and prayer. Please continue to pray for me and my family members.

May God bless you.

Your’s Belete

Timothée Bationo at the JMJ in Brazil

Timothée BationoOur confrere Timothée Bationo, Sector Superior in Mozambique, went to pay a visit to Pierre Lukusa in Brazil. It coincided with the JMJ in Rio de Janeiro where Timothée met other Missionaries of Africa: Willy Ngumbi, Bishop of Kindu in DRCongo and Francisco J. Silota, Bishop of Chimoio in Mozambique. Note that Jan De Groef, Bishop of Bethlehem in South Africa was also at the JMJ.
Timothée was pleased to meet Pierre who will be completing his training at “Fazenda d´Esperança” for one more and final year. In his two weeks journey, Timothée participated in some events led by the Pope: visit and blessing of an hospital, visit to the slum “favela”, way of the Cross, vigil and sending mass. He also met the group of Gen Rosso-Focolari composed of about 200 youth. They performed a show with songs and plays emphasising the idea that the youth can be strong without violence. Peace, love and unity are great tools for evangelisation. The show was presented to Pope Francis during a night vigil.
In his simplicity, Pope Francis touched the hearts of more than 3 million people at the Copacabana beach. His final message is to affirm that Christians should “go without fear proclaiming the Gospel”.
Timothée will remember this exceptional experience for ever and wish to thank everyone who helped him to make this trip to Brazil possible.

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Saint Lawrence Day Celebration on the 10th August 2013

Jean_Baptiste_TodjroText and picture by Jean-Baptiste Todjro , Stagiaire
For a while, we have a break from our daily activities to have fun. This weekend was a particular one in the life of the faithful of Saint Lawrence Parish. On Saturday we gather to relax with sport activities. While the Youth Council in collaboration with some football teams of the place where enjoying themselves on the football ground, our mothers and grandmothers where enjoying netball and athletics. Today, Sunday August 11, we close our festivities with mass and the blessing of the grotto.
Happy Saint Lawrence to all!

JCTR urges caution on 2013 budget management

JCTR LusakaPress Release 15thAugust 2013
On Sunday 11 August, 2013, the Minister of Finance Honourable Alexander Chikwanda, held a briefing on fiscal and other treasury matters. The briefing was partly in response to various concerns bordering on the performance of the 2013 budget thus far. 
Different sections of society have expressed fears suggesting a looming or actual budget deficit beyond the 2013 budget provision of 4.5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). “While the government made assurances that the perceived budget deficit is within manageable limits, it is important that the government is seen to manage the deficit in ways that do not worsen the livelihoods of the majority poor’’, notes Daniel Mutale, Social Conditions programme manager. READ MORE